A Liberal Mind

Liberal vs. Conservative

My two prior columns discussing the Liberal Mind have focused on how the liberal mind adds value to both the creative and project management aspects of the remodeling process. I have discussed how differences in the brain can make liberals more comfortable processing conflicting information, while conservatives are more sensitive to the threat or anxiety […]

A Liberal Mind

More Thoughts on a Liberal Mind

When Remodeling the Design Matters. When picking someone to trust with the very personal and critical task of coming into your home and making changes, there are many things to consider. You certainly want to hire someone that is experienced and competent, but those are just the basics. You can have so much more. The […]

A Liberal Mind

Remodeling Tip: Go Liberal!

It Takes a Liberal Mind to Remodel Your Home It was no surprise to me that a recent study found a biological difference in the brains of liberals and conservatives. In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex-a […]

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